Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've started and I can't stop

Obsession?  Addiction?  I have more dishcloth yarn than anyone should and once I started making these I couldn't stop.  I'm at 16 and counting.  I'm hoping to make a dent in my dishcloth yarn.

The photo below is my dishcloth yarn before I started.  I've been to Joann's and Michael's recently and had to force myself to say away from that yarn.  "But there are so many new colors to choose from."

Don't you just hate willpower.


ColorSlut said...

OMFG I love these dishclothes. What is the pattern???

Kathy R said...

You are the dishcloth queen! They look great!

Crazy Knitting Fool said...

Wow that is quite a stash you have there.

Miss Me said...

but they're so pretty... and the yarn is so pretty... everyone needs a "go to" small project. mine is socks - and i have the sock yarn stash to prove it!