I've been invited to participate in a contest. If I can get 40 people to click on this link, I will win a pair of Ugg boots. I doubt that 40 people read my blog but I can hope. I'm also not entirely sure how this lets them see that it came from me but this is the reply I recieved from the lady who invited me:
When someone clicks that link it has a little code (the xref=arielzoe.blog) part which records all visitors that visit from your link.
If these visitors continue to enter it stores the entrant details under your code as well.. A bit confusing I know but basically I end up seeing a report with entrant numbers every day..
Please click here to help me win. Thanks!!!
Oops! I broke their server! LOL! It won't let me get to their site Ariel! I tried! :P
I got there! Hope you win! :)
Done!...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hey, Ariel.
I tried to put the badge on my flickr page......3 times I tried. Couldn't get it to work :(
I DID, however, click on your underlined words. Maybe they'll count as a vote.
I clicked on it for you hope you get the boots and thankyou for your compliment on my birthday shawl:) hugs Darcy
I clicked! I hope you get your uggs.
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